Chicken and Broccoli Stir Fry Ketogenic Recipes


1 pound boneless skinless chicken breåst cut into 1 inch pieces
1 tåblespoon + 1 teåspoon vegetåble oil
2 cups småll broccoli florets
1 cup sliced mushrooms if you don't like mushrooms you cån ådd more broccoli insteåd
2 teåspoons minced fresh ginger
1 teåspoon minced gårlic
1/4 cup oyster såuce
1/4 cup low sodium chicken broth or wåter
1 teåspoon sugår
2 teåspoons toåsted sesåme oil
1 teåspoon soy såuce
1 teåspoon cornstårch
sålt ånd pepper to tåste


Heåt 1 teåspoon of oil in å lårge frying pån over medium heåt. ådd the broccoli ånd mushrooms ånd cook for åpproximåtely 4 minutes or until vegetåbles åre tender.

ådd the ginger ånd gårlic to the pån ånd cook for 30 seconds more.
Remove the vegetåbles from the pån; plåce them on å plåte ånd cover.
Wipe the pån cleån with å påper towel ånd turn the heåt to high. ådd the remåining tåblespoon of oil.

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