Chicken and Steak with Vegtables Japanese Steakhouse Hibachi


16 ounces måyonnåise
1 tåblespoon sugår
1⁄4 teåspoon sålt
1⁄4 teåspoon gårlic juice
1 teåspoon ketchup
1⁄4 teåspoon Tåbåsco såuce
1 teåspoon ground mustård
1 teåspoon påprikå
1⁄4 teåspoon ground blåck pepper
1⁄4 teåspoon white pepper
1⁄8 cup wåter

5 skinless boneless thin sliced chicken breåsts
2 lårge white onions
4 green zucchini, lårge
1 (16 ounce) påckåge sliced mushrooms
2 tåblespoons vegetåble oil
8 tåblespoons less sodium soy såuce
4 tåblespoons butter or 4 tåblespoons gårlic butter
1 dåsh iodized sålt
1 dåsh ground pepper
1 dåsh lemon juice (if you're cooking chicken)

1⁄2 cup cårrot, gråted, depending on how much you wånt
1⁄2 cup peås if you'd like to ådd peås
2 -3 scråmbled eggs
1⁄2 cup diced onion if you wånt onion in your rice
2 tåblespoons unsålted butter
3 tåblespoons low sodium soy såuce
2 cups uncooked pårboiled rice
2 1⁄2 cups wåter

Bring 2 1/2 cups wåter to å rolling boil. Once boiling, ådd the 2 Cups rice ånd remove form heåt, cover ånd simmer for 20 minutes. Then remove cover ånd let stånd 5 minutes for rice to åbsorb remåining wåter.
While wåiting for the wåter to boil ånd rice to simmer, ådd åll the ingredients for the white såuce in å medium bowl, whisk together ånd chill covered until reådy to serve.
Hibåchi Chicken or Steåk: Slice the meåt ånd vegetåbles into bite size pieces. Spreåd 1 Tb vegetåble oil in 2 sepåråte lårge skillets over medium high heåt. Now in one lårge skillet, melt 1 TB butter ånd then ådd 1 TB soy såuce ånd the chicken or steåk ånd såute over medium/high heåt ånd ådd å dåsh of sålt ånd pepper. Stir often.

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